How do I install Store Locator Widgets on Opencart

Support > Installation Guides > How do I install Store Locator Widgets on Opencart

1. Click here to get your embed code, highlight it and copy it to your clipboard.

2. Click on the Catalogue menu item on the left and choose the Information section. If you prefer, you can add the locator to another page but this is an example of how to do this. 

3. Click on the blue + (Add New) button at the top right to create a new page. You could skip this step and add the locator to an existing page if you prefer.

4. Set 'Information Title' to 'Store Locator'.

5.  Click on the (Code View) button to switch the Description box to code view

6. Paste your embed code from Step 1 into the box

7. VERY IMPORTANT: Click on the  (Code View) button to switch back to regular view. If you don't do this step, the page will not save your changes correctly.

8. Add a Meta Tag Title (e.g. Store Locator). Here's how this page should look when you're done:

9. If you would like to have your new Store Locator page displayed in the footer Information block, select the Data tab and check the 'Bottom' option and set a sort order for the page. Ensure Status is set to 'Enabled' as shown below

10. Save the page

Your new Store Locator page should now be visible in your Store under the Information section.